Thunder Fever – How to Manage Hay Fever

Hay Fever

Hay Fever sufferers this week will be aware of the current Pollen high and the news surrounding “Thunder Fever”. We have already seen this Spring and Summer; the presence of tree pollen earlier than usual. With Hay Fever sufferers starting to take medication earlier this year, we look into how you can manage the symptoms of Hay Fever and explain why your Hay Fever may be the worst it’s ever been.

What is Thunder Fever?

Thunder Fever is to blame for the sky-high Pollen counts this Summer. Asthma sufferers have been warned of the dangerously high levels of Pollen due to the rising temperatures and uncontrollable humidity. The current hot weather is looking to keep the Pollen count at all time high until at least the end of June.

The mixture of heavy rain fall and increasingly hot weather has seen an increase in grass Pollen with airborne allergen expert Max Wiseberg stating we may have a “Pollen crisis” on our hands in the UK.

Sunny days create huge clouds of Pollen which spread throughout the air causing irritating reactions for Hay Fever sufferers. This followed by heavy downpour days and thunderstorms; split the grains within the Pollen clouds making them more allergenic which in turn triggers “Thunder Fever” a more troublesome version of Hay Fever. Unfortunately for Hay Fever sufferers Thunderstorms are forecast for the following week, so how can you control the symptoms of Thunder Fever?

Controlling Hay Fever Symptoms

Hay Fever cannot be cured; however, you can control the symptoms with medication. Certain Hay Fever medications are known the cause drowsiness, the government have issued a warning to all Hay Fever sufferers, making them aware that they could potentially incur a driving ban if they use drowsy Hay Fever relief tablets. What is the best medication for you and can you control the symptoms by using home remedies?

  • Xyzal – This anti-allergic medicine is also known as Levocetirizine. The medication helps reduce Histamine and subside the symptoms of Rhinitis – Hay Fever. Histamine is released when you have a reaction to a substance, you’re are allergic to, for example – Pollen, Fur or Dust, enters the nose and irritates the lining causing a reaction.  Levocetirizine reduces the reaction without making the patient drowsy, we recommend this medication to those operating vehicles and machinery. Other non-drowsy medications include; Fexofenadine! You can find both forms of non-drowsy anti-histamine on the alldayDr website for as little as £1 per day!

  • Avamys – This is a spray which can be used to reduce the symptoms of Hay Fever. This spray will ease symptoms such as; runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion. This is a non-drowsy medication available in a spray or as drops. This medication can be found for £2.90 per day on the alldayDr website.

  • Vaseline – The use of Vaseline to reduce Hay Fever symptoms is natural, medicine free and effective. Patients are advised to coat the nostrils with Vaseline to trap Pollen and reduce symptoms.

  • Wraparound sunglasses – One of the most irritating symptoms of Hay Fever is irritated eyes. Eyes can be protected by wraparound sunglasses; Pollen will be unable to enter the eye avoiding eye irritation.

  • Wash before bed – Pollen gathers on your skin throughout the day and attaches to your hair. Showering and washing your hair before bed will help you sleep throughout the night without any reaction!

  • If you’re Asthmatic – Ensure you have your reliever inhaler with you at all times. High Pollen is known to cause severe Asthma attacks, if you need to use your inhaler three or more times a week you must see your GP urgently to ensure your safety. You can see a GP via our incredible skype style video call without delay on the alldayDr app. See how it works here;

  • Pollen Filter – When you are indoors you may benefit from a Pollen filter. This vents the air within the room and ensures it is pure and Pollen free. Speak to a GP about the possibility of using a Pollen filter within your home.

How do you know it’s Hay Fever?

Your GP will be able to diagnose you with Hay Fever, however if you have the following symptoms it is highly likely that you are suffering from the Pollen count;

  • Sneezing and coughing
  • Runny, sore, block nose
  • Itchy and irritated eyes
  • Itchy throat, mouth, nose and ears
  • Loss of smell
  • Pain around your forehead and temples
  • Earache
  • Fatigue

Be sure these symptoms are not related to something more sinister such as Asthma. Symptoms include;

  • Tight feeling in your chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing cough

If you feel you may be suffering from a severe case of Hay Fever, or feel you may potentially suffer from Asthma; contact your GP urgently. If you are struggling to get hold of your GP contact a trusted, high quality, GMC registered GP via today!

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