alldayDr Top Tips: How to stay healthy this Winter


Winter is coming

Staying healthy during the winter period can be very difficult, this why you need to keep on top of your health and wellbeing more than ever. At alldayDr we have devised our top tips for staying healthy this winter.

Calm carb cravings

The cold season tends to ignite our cravings for more carbs and comfort foods. Why? After you consume these delicious treats, your serotonin levels rise, making your brain think you are happier. And as the day wears on, your carb cravings get stronger and stronger.

To counter this, try eating a protein-packed breakfast to keep your energy levels up throughout the day.

Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are a healthy type of fat that are naturally found in many food types including fish, plant seeds and nuts. Omega 3 fatty acids are great for reducing joint pain and stiffness as they are a natural anti-inflammatory. Studies have also shown that omega 3 fatty acids help lower levels of depression, which people commonly feel during the shorter days of winter.


Soluble fibre found in apples, oats and nuts is an important way to decrease inflammation and boost immune system function. Soluble fibre also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body and aids in weight loss and protection against diabetes. This is an especially important winter health tip for seniors who require a high-fibre diet to protect their digestive systems.


Though it sounds like a broken record, frequent handwashing throughout the day is an absolute must in maintaining your health during the Winter. It not only helps protect your immune system and prevents developing flu and cold bugs, but it also protects others around you.


Consuming lots of vitamin C during the Winter will help your body to battle cold and flu symptoms if you do experience them. Vitamin D helps to supplement the lack of light experienced during winter, but it’s still important to get out in the sun whenever it does appear. Vitamin D helps to absorb other important vitamins like vitamin A, iron and calcium.


When the days get shorter, your body will naturally want to sleep longer and will adjust its rhythm to the hours of daylight. Use the longer evenings to wind down and begin relaxing before bed. Try to go to bed as early as possible to give your body enough rest during the times it craves it the most.

Fruit and veg

When it’s cold and dark outside, it can be tempting to fill up on unhealthy comfort food. However, it’s important to ensure you still have a healthy diet and include five portions of fruit and veg a day.

If you find yourself craving a sugary treat, try a juicy clementine or satsuma instead.

Winter vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, swede and turnips can be roasted, mashed or made into soup for a comforting Winter meal for the whole family. Explore varieties of fruit and veg that you may not normally eat.

Final doctors note

How many of these tips to you employ in your daily life? Let alldayDr know if these work for you, or even better, which ones you think make a difference and keep you healthy over Winter.

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